Day 72. Friday, 8th November, 2024. From a camp outside Santa Catalina to a camp just before Coranzuli, Argentina. 117 Miles, 188 Kms.

Dennis mentioned there was lightening flickering when we went to bed last night, early before 9pm. Well, it came closer and turned into a lengthy thunderstorm. Storms seem to move off very slowly here. Fortunately, although the thunder and lightening were intense, the rain wasn’t too hard and the Caranex…

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Day 67. Sunday 3rd November 2024. Camping Albert & Felicidad’s, Sucre – to Somewhere by a stream, 40k’s south of Potosi. on the Ruta 5. Bolivia. 124 miles or 199k’s for the day.

Saturday night and dogs barked and cars revved most of the night. It dawned grey and overcast. The opposite of yesterday morning. The French couple Pierre and Marion and kids, left very early in their Citroen camper and we did not have a chance to say goodbye. A lovely family,…

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