Day 139. Monday, 30th September. From Boulder Creek Camp Ground South of Lone Pine to Shoshone RV Park, Shoshona.
Day 138. Sunday 29th September. Chris Flat Campsite to Boulder Creek RV Park. Lone Pine. Calif.
Day 137. Saturday, 28th September. From Cottonwood Creek Campsite just North of Truckee to Chris Flats Campsite, just South of Coleville. California.
Day 136. Friday 27th September. Leisurely Place Campsite, Leisurely, to Cottonwood Creek campsite. Truckee. California.
Day 135. Thursday, 26th September. From Annie’s Snow Shelter Car Park to Likely Place RV and Golf Resort
After saying goodbye to our French fellow campers, Annie and Jean Paul, we set off for Klamath Falls. Driving through a very wide flat valley, this morning’s scenery was all agricultural. Pastureland with thousands of grazing beef cattle. Farmers seem to follow more traditional methods here. The cattle are all…
Day 134. Wednesday 25th September. Susan Creek Campground to Crater Lake, Oregon.
Boy, last night was a blur of feverish stupor but this morning I woke, like I imagine a butterfly emerging from it’s chysalis, reborn. Our campsite was immaculate and complete with showers and flushing toilets. Great value at $20. We were camped in amongst massive trees and to see the…
Day 133. Tuesday, 24th September. From Beverley State Park, North of Newport to Susan Creek Campsite, West of Steamboat
Day 132. Monday 23rd September. Banks to Beverly Beach, Oregon Pacific Coast.
Day 131. Saturday, 7th September. Portland
Today was spent packing and tidying up the Land Rover. Kelly and Stacy went to work and left us free run of their house to get ourselves organised for our short trip back to the UK. Thank you Kelly and Stacy for your generous hospitality. Dennis gave the Land Rover…