Day 172 Saturday 18th Jan. 15k’s short of Angahuan to Tzintzuntzan. Michoacan Province
Day 171. Friday, 17th January. From Zihuatanejo to Volcano Paricutin, near Angahuan.
Day 170. Thursday 16th. Jan. Barra de Nexpa Camp to Zihuatenajo. Guerrero Province. Mexico.
Day 169. Wednesday, 15th January. From Rancho Buganvillias to Barra de Nexpa.
Day 168. Tuesday 14th Jan. Rancho Buganvillias RV Camp, La Placita. Michoacan. Mexico.
It’s another hot sticky night. I guess the further south we go, the warmer it will get. We are looking forward to the cooler climes on Southern Chile right now. It’s a pain not having a working fridge, so Tim suggested we strip it down and see if we can…
Day, 167. Monday, 13th January. Boca de Pascuales to Rancho Bougainvillea
Day 166. Sunday 11th Jan. Tokkiero Beach to Boca de Pascuales. Mexico
We woke to a glorious morning. It’s our plan to move on today. Objective, the city of Manazanliio. Looking around the beaches and bays on both sides of the promontory we are camped on, there are signs of future development. White topped painted sticks poked into the ground seeming to…