Day 182. Tuesday 28th Jan. Cholula to Tehuacan. Mexico.
Day 181. Monday, January 27th. From Puebla to Cholula.
Day 180. Sunday 26th Jan. Teotihuacan to Puebla.
Well, after a great day yesterday, this morning there were no healthy survivors. I woke thinking, I better get to the boy’s room pronto! Just made it. Jen said she wan’t feeling too great either. She was complaining of aches all over and couldn’t get out of bed Watching Sarah…
Day 179. Saturday, 25th January. From Mexico City back to Rancho Viejo, Teotihuacan.
Day 178. Teotihuacan Camp site to Mexico City
Day 177. Thursday, 23rd January. In Teotihaucan.
After yesterday’s exertions climbing pyramids, today was a lazy day. We stayed at our camp site at Rancho Viejo and did some chores. Washing, cleaning out Poki’s cupboards and some minor repairs and maintenance. So, not a very exciting blog, I’m afraid. Dennis spent hours trying to find a way…