Day 212. Thursday 27th February. Isla Blanca to The jungle Camp Selva El Jabali. Quintana Roo.
Day 211. Wednesday, 26th February. From Isla Blanca to Selva El Jabali near Tulum.
Leaving Isla Blanca, for the second time, we headed into Cancun to restock with provisions. At just after 9am the kite surfers were already in the air with more arriving all the time. We stopped at the large bin by the exit to relieve ourselves of some of the packaging…
Day 210. Tuesday 25th Feb. Miami Florida to Isla Blanca. Qintana Roo. Mx.
Right now we are seated on the American Airlines flight 158 at Miami Int. ready to depart for Cancun, Mexico. It’s 2.30pm, the flight departs at 2.50pm and there has been no feedback from the luggage crew to say our box with the fridge repair kit, has been declined to…
Day 209. Monday, 24th February. Off to Miami, Florida, USA
A very short night. Dennis’s phone alarm woke me at 4am. (He of impaired hearing, couldn’t hear it!) Mine failed to go off. In fact I couldn’t find the phone, but eventually found it under the mattress when packing up. Neither of us felt like moving. After cornflakes and granola…
Day 208. Sunday 23rd. Feb. Cancun. Mexico.
A little rain on the roof this morning and temperatures are cooler. Around 23degC. Being Sunday and with much less wind, there are no kite surfers to interrupt our lazy morning. By 10am we had breakfasted and were packing up our gear ready to head into Cancun airport for the…
Day 207. Saturday, 22nd Feb. Still on the beach at Isla Blanca. Quintana Roo Province, Mexico.
Not a lot to report today, I’m afraid. It was a very bad night, as we were nearly blown away by the wind. We had had to move pronto, as the tide rapidly approached the Carinex tent. Dennis has reported on our difficulties keeping the tent from blowing away, when…
Day 206. Friday 21st Feb. Isla Blanca. Yucatan. Mexico.
It wasn’t long after we emerged from our mobile residence this morning that a car pulled up beside us telling us that they needed the spaces we were parked on. It’s a smooth flat surface that is obviously prone to flooding. They hold Kite surfing school that requires quite a…
Day 205. Thursday, 20th February. From a beach at Isla Blanca between the Caribbean Sea and Laguna Chakmochuk, Quintana Roo Province, Mexico
Day 204. Wed. 19th Feb. Cenote Choj Ha to Isla Blanca. Above Cancun. Quintana Roo. Mexico.
It looked like three brothers were running this cenote business. Whether they owned the land or just set up shop around the hole, is unknown. It is an amazing cenote though. The cavern is huge and there are stalagmites and stalactites throughout. The water is chrystal clear with a slight…