Days 260 to 271. April 14th to 25th. Passaj Cap. Guatemala.
It’s some time since we last posted. Yesterday morning two groups left the camp site and headed for home. Home for many of them was a long way away. The first group, two French citizens, Jeremy & Chloe, and an Italian Pasquale left by taxi for Guatemala City airport at…
Day’s 252-259. Tuesday, 7th to Tuesday, 14th April. San Marcos, Guatemala.
Days 250 – 251. Sunday 5th – Monday, 6th April, 2020. Still at Pasaj Cap, San Marcos, Guatemala.
Day 248 & 249. Sat. 4th April, 2020. A little bit of Guatemalan history.
In the last blog Jen gave an insight into our immediate community. I’d like to extend that to take in some of the country’s more recent history. While we feel completely safe here now, it hasn’t always been so peaceful. The following is a cut-and-paste from Wikipedia :- A civil…
Day 243 – 247. Thurs. 2nd April. Guatemala.
People are getting restless, us included. However there’s not a lot we can do. A couple of days ago Jen & I went to town to buy some more supplies. What an experience that turned out to be. The property is located on the side of a hill between the…
Days 239 – 242. Wednesday, 25th – Saturday, 28th March. At Pasaj Cap, San Marcos, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
Day’s 236 to 238. 24th March. Camp Pasaj Cap, Guatemala.
While there is not too much to write about, brother Ash suggested we put some pics in of our surroundings. Jen here, briefly. I will just write little bit. We seem to be entertaining ourselves reasonably well, so far. Amongst the group we have organised Spanish conversation classes. I have…
Day 235. Saturday, 21st March. Day 5 at Pasaj Cap, San Marcos Guatemala.
If we are here for a while, the problem is going to be keeping ourselves entertained. This morning at 7.30 I did my second yoga class. I suppose at the age of 70 and a half it is still not too old to learn. The problem I have is, unless…
Day 234. Friday 20th March. Pasaj Cap camp. Guatemala.
There is a group meeting this morning at 10.30am, for the Overlanders. The objective, to establish a food supply source and chain. The group attending amount to approximately 20 people but others who are/were fly-in-fly out tourists on site, also attend. As yet we don’t know what supplies we can…