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to family, friends, fellow adventurers and blog followers. It’s time to take a break and recharge the batteries, (and bank accounts), for next year. Views: 38
It didn’t take too much persuading for Jan & Bruce to get us to stay another day. Made sense too and allowed us to get to see some of the city and update our blog!. Particularly when the temperature is around 5deg and its raining steadily outside. Our hosts were…
It rained during the night and sadly our efforts to waterproof the Caranex have proved in vain. The ponding on the roof is not so bad, but there must to be holes where the water is getting in. We suspect where we have sown the strengthening webbing to the tent.…
Wed 15th May. Day 16 WOW!! What a sleep. Nine hours straight. As Jen mentioned we found a Provincial Park Camping place last night that was almost deserted. Brilliant. On the road by 9.30am. Pretty good for us. We are now parked close to the entrance of an avalanche shelter…
3rd to 10th May. Days 4 to 11. It’s been a week or so since the last update and much has happened. All positive though and we are on track to hit the road on Monday morning at 7am. There is a date to keep in Squamish, (a commercial town…
We awake to a fairly bleak morning. Signs of spring growth but typically for the UK at this time of year, showers and sunshine and it’s very cool. Thoughts are starting to gravitate to recommencing our relationship with the Landy later in the month. The things that have to be…
This gallery contains 1 photo.
to family, friends, fellow adventurers and blog followers. It’s time to take a break and recharge the batteries, (and bank accounts), for next year. Views: 38