Category: The Trip Plan
Day 29. Tuesday, 28th May. In Juneau
Day 28. 27th May. A day in Skagway.
Day 27. Sunday, 26th April. Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada to Skagway, Alaska, USA.
Camping at the High Country RV Park was a good opportunity for catching up. We usually avoid RV parks as they are expensive and full of monster vehicles. This one was actually inexpensive and quite nice. After a few days camping in the wild we could do the laundry, fill…
Day 26. From near Dease lake to Whitehorse. BC. Saturday 25th May.
great place to camp last night. Well away from the road and flat. It’s a popular place by the looks of it, with the number of stone fire circles and ashes. The day dawned fine, a relief from the cold wet day of yesterday. The peaks surrounding us are still…
Day 25. Meziadin Junction to Dease Lake. Friday 24th May
Not a good night. Our Caranex tent is very definitely a fair weather tent. Last night was extremely windy. I don’t remember ever having a very windy night on the first part of our journey. Last night the tent flapped, creaked and rattled all night keeping me awake most of…
Day 24. 23rd May. ‘Mosquitoville’ to midway between Stewart & Meziadin. BC.
Mmmmm…a patchy sleep. The camp site was close to the road with regular heavy vehicles passing, and, from I don’t know where, mosquito’s invaded our space! When we got up in the morning Jen said, “why are the lights on”? Cripes. We were nose into the camp site and a…
Day 23. Wednesday, 22 May. Vanderhoof to South Hazleton. BC.
A peaceful night in the 7th Day Adventist’s church grounds. I thought God wouldn’t mind us camping there, but wasn’t so sure about the local congregation. As it was, we didn’t see a soul. My new granddaughter has arrived. Siena Rose was born on Monday evening at 19.21 weighing 8lbs…
Day 22. Tues 21 May. Vanderhoof. BC.
A great camp site except the showers are a disaster. Never mind. It has dawned anther lovely day. The drive north west from McBride is through fairly sparse habitation and not as picturesque as previous but it’s relatively light traffic. The clutch is now working trouble and leak free. There…
Day 21. Monday 20th September. Rest Day, Mc Bride
Day 21. Monday, 20th May. Stationary today. Last night there was a beautiful red sunset. I am a great believer in the old adage “Red sky at night, shepherd’s delight”. This morning we awoke to a beautiful blue sky. The vents were wide open above us and through them we…