First of all. It’s been a momentous day, for a number of reasons.
Federer beaten at Wimbledon, but a mighty battle. Well done Djokovic.
England won the World Cup Cricket. Well done England.
We could only get bits of both events. Jen was glued, I mean GLUED to the phone for updates on the tennis and me the same with the cricket. NZ stole defeat from the jaws of victory. Never mind. It must have been a great game to be at, or watch. Sport was the winner on the day. NZ cricketers, we are proud of you.
It was a lovely evening last night. We stopped early at the Pirate Campground, a lovely flat, mown surface and not many punters. There has been a niggling leak at the new fuel filter housing. Just the occasional drip, but unacceptable. So, off it came and re applied the four spigots with teflon thread tape. Next, wash the spare air filter. Then wash out the old hand towel used for cleaning up mechanical things.
This morning I woke early, 5.30am and all was calm. There was a temptation to get up and pack the Caranex before the anticipated rain. However, I must have gone back to sleep as the gentle patter of rain on the roof spelled a missed opportunity. Back to sleep. At 9.15am we are woken by thunder and a downpour.
Being several hours behind in time, from sport in the UK, the phones and iPads came out and a late start was sealed. Finally on the road by 12.30pm.
This is a lovely part of the country. Coastal views that disappeared a little later in the day when the sky fell on us. Gannets plummeting into the sea by the hundred as there must have been a shoal of fish.
A notice at the roadside pointing up a side road and mentioning a Marconi historical site. We drove the 3 k’s to the end of the muddy road and looked out over a lighthouse and couple of buildings. We opted not to pay the fee of entry and look up the significance on Wikipedia. However, there is no mention in Wikipedia of any Gaspe Peninsula site. Only Cape Breton in Nova Scotia. Maybe we should have paid the fee but it kind of makes me glad we didn’t. I am sure we will get the full picture from Nova Scotia, and keep you posted.
Marconi Station?
A selection of pic’s from the day. All self explanatory, except the last one. Two young ladies must have decided to pull into the drive of a motel, only they missed the entrance by about 20m. I stopped to see if we could help but one of the women had gone to get assistance, so I put the idea of winching them out, on hold and left, as it was pouring with rain. The passenger window was down and taking in the torrent. I suggested the girl waiting beside it, go and get the ignition key and close the window or they would be having to drain it too.
The thought of pitching the Caranex, which is sopping up on the roof, did not appeal. Jen said “lets get our first motel for this trip”. Great idea, I couldn’t think of any reason why not! Now I just have to resist putting my head in the oven..:)
Views: 16
Did we ? Oh well…well done England. Bring on the Open.
Yes you did!!!
But as my brother said it would, the sun came up again next morning…:). He’s a wise brother.
Such an awesome trip.
After meeting you in BC we headed to Calgary and flew to Vegas We then drove back up to Vancouver Island via the Pacific highway and Yosemite.
I notice the Pacific highway isn’t on your proposed route. It is a stunning stretch of coastline, especially from Monterrey down to Morro Bay.
Good luck with the rest of your trip,
Hi! Tony, well done. Now back home? Plan the next one. Make it in your Land Rover…:)
Done the coastal Californian bit before.