Day 152. Tuesday 28th. January. From Public Park, Ansina, Uruguay to Camping Don Ari, Santana do Livramento, Brazil. 120 miles or 193 k’s.

Well, we got through another night without being disturbed. It’s always a bit of a lottery when you camp in public areas. Another hot night, 33degC and 70% humidity, with both the internal fan and aircon unit going, which had the desired effect. The full mosquito net keeping the little blighters at bay. There must be a trigger time of the night when they attack, and attack in huge numbers, they did. It was a mad rush to get the netting on the windows and the caranex zipped up, then set about eliminating the ones trapped inside.

On the road by 10am.

It’s approx 56k’s to Tacuarembo, then another 100k’s to Rivera, which is on the Uruguayan side of the border with Brazil. A quick trip to a supermarket in the former, then on our way to Rivera.

I was intrigued by the colours and combined land uses. Soya beans, pasture and forestry.

The countryside is quite hilly and very heavily forested, both eucalypt and radiata. The road is a mixed bag. One side, the northward lane heavily rutted and repaired. I suspect full logging trucks heading to a mill.

Border confusion.

iOverlander guided us to joint border immigration office next to a supermarket. Once processed by both countries we had to drive back into Rivera to find the customs or Aduana office to have our TIP (temporary import permit) for Poki suspended and be signed out of Uruguay. Then we had to go looking for the Brazilian equivalent office. Once that was achieved, 30 min later, we set the sat-nav for Santa Maria the next biggish town in Brazil. On leaving the office and driving down the road we passed a couple of odd looking petrol stations and I said to Jen, we must be in Brazil!!! Just like that! No formal divisions, no border inspections, no barriers to go through or touts for money or SIM cards to negotiate! The town, or more accurately city, must be divided at some point? Brazil speaks Portuguese, Uruguay Spanish!!

Finding a camp.

Five k’s out of town iOverlander indicated a camp site nearby. We had lost our Uruguayan wifi, had no Brazilian currency, so iOverlander was our sole guide, and she didn’t let us down. Two k’s down a yellow dirt road that had only recently been impassable by the look of ruts, took us to a gate complete with camera, but a wire across that was too low to allow entry. Fortunately another gate close by, not locked that allowed us entry. I don’t know how vehicles without 4X4 are expected to enter the place!

Finding a flat piece of ground the next challenge. It’s a pleasant location. On a hill with farmland surrounding and cattle grazing contentedly. The few facilities are immaculately clean. A swimming pool of sorts, partially filled, is inviting. It’s seriously warm and humid. Once camp was established, this time, the window screens are in place early, Jen was into the pool in a flash. I follow Jen to the pool a little later and we both cool down.

Fortunately the camp has wifi and after a great meal while watching a fiery electrical storm build in the distance, by 9pm we are soon in bed inside the haven of the mosquito net with fan ad aircon battling the humidity.

What’s ahead of us?

A new country, arrived at without knowledge, was a bit of an anticlimax. What does it hold for us? It’s huge and we are almost without direction. It’s like we are treading water but seeing as much of it’s diversity as possible, will keep us traveling for another couple of months at least. For me, completing the circuit by visiting the northern countries of the Guyana’s, Suriname and Venezuela would be a goal but I’m not sure Jen is as committed. We’ll discuss the matter and decide. We’d both love to be back home in our lovely comfortable haven in Rotorua and conscious that this adventure has to finish somewhere, and at some time.

Views: 101


  1. Now if you were on bicycles you wouldnt have all that faf with permits, just saying.
    I know that feeling of missing home so I wont tell you that we are having a lovely summer here in Rotorua and very happy to be here

  2. Patrick lemos

    I saw you in a supermarket in the city of Rosario do Sul, I’m a resident here and I recommend that you visit the city of Gramado and visit the city of Canela, it’s 480km from here, but it’s worth going there, I know you’ve already They traveled to countless places, but the landscape there is breathtaking

    • Hi Patrick, thank you for taking time to write and for your sight-seeing tips. We’ll consult the map and factor in your suggestions.
      We are very much enjoying this vast country and its people.

      Best wishes.

      Dennis & Jen
      The Kiwi and the Pom.

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