Day 126. Thursday 2nd January 2025. Cabanas & Camping. El Calefate. Argentina.

Waking at 9am this morning to sunshine, Jen said, “let’s stay here another day”. There were no complaints from me. There are things I need to attend to on Poki and Jen wants to do some washing.

Work on Poki.

On arrival at the camp yesterday afternoon, when climbing onto the roof to get the tent, I noticed the rear spare wheel was loose. Investigating, the nut holding a guide, was nearly off. The road we took a short cut on yesterday, the R 40, was some of the toughest we have experienced in the whole journey. Jen had a photo in the last blog that showed a smooth section. At the start of entering the R40 off a tar sealed road, we got into a serious slide in loose gravel. That was it for Jen, she was holding on for dear life for the rest of the 67k’s…:). No tiredness driving on that stuff. I love it, but Poki certainly got shaken up.

Once the Mantec carrier was repaired I decide to try and rectify the drivers and passengers doors, that have not been shutting properly since we turned Poki, over in South Africa. The catches had been adjusted without great improvement, so it was time to loosen and adjust the hinges. Success.

With campsite wifi, I indulged and hour or so, watching LRTime on YouTube. A German couple who are Land Rover fanatics and they have just purchased a broken Discovery with the objective of restoring it. They are very humorous, fastidious and wonderfully dedicated.

A Czech couple next door.

While pottering, the male camper in the next bay to us, wandered over. Lubok and his wife Eva drive a magnificent Toyota 70 Series Land Cruiser camper. Lubok was telling me of the difficulty he had in purchasing the vehicle which are apparently unprocurable in Czech Republic, due to emission standards. there!! The world has gone crazy. Eva had just joined him in South America and I think she is struggling a little with the mobile home concept…:)

Another pretty special rig in the camp. An Iveco 4×4. Nice size for luxury adventure travel, for two.

Now 9.30pm. The sun is dropping below the horizon and it will start to get dark soon. It’s been lovely day. Warm and sunny. At around 5.30pm we wandered the 500m into the town for some more provisions. This is clearly a tourist town and there are many languages heard in the streets. Being such a successful day called for a beer in a bar. Alex, I watched the semi-final of a College football game between Georgia and Notra Dame. Jury is still out…:) Give me a good game of Rugger!

Perito Moreno Glaciar.

Tomorrow we are heading for another stand out tourist destination, the Perito Moreno glacier. It’s only about 80 k’s away. I confess to having never heard of it before. Jen will feature it in tomorrows episode.

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