Day 120. 27th December 2024. Around Cape Horn, into the Beagle Channel, to Ushuaia. Day 13.

The final sailing day.

It was another early rise for us. We were informed at last night’s briefing, that we would be passing Cape Horn at approximately 7am. The alarm went off and neither of us had had much sleep, but you don’t get too many opportunities to pass Cape Horn.

Cape Horn was discovered in 1616 by navigator Willem Schouten, captain of the “Eendracht” on a voyage funded by Isaac Le Maire. They named Kap Hoorn, after their hometown, in Holland

Getting to take the photo was quite a challenge. The wind was howling across the front observation deck, so protection was sought from the forward lounge.

Because of the fearsome reputation the cape had earned, great effort and expense was undertaken to find a passage that would eliminate ’rounding the horn’. I have mentioned Robert Fitz Roy in several earlier posts. It’s his voyage with Charles Darwin in the Beagle, and earlier, Ferdinand Magellan, that discovered alternative and safer routes between the South Atlantic and Pacific oceans.


We will dine and sleep onboard this evening, and lug our meager possessions to a taxi, for a ride to the tour booking agents, who will then take us the 5k’s to pickup Poki. Will it start, Kelvin jests? I have absolutely no doubt at all….:)

While it’s many years since doing an extended ship voyage, 59 to be precise, this has been a first class act. Crew, vessel, food, all brilliant. Scenery and excursions, challenging at time, but unforgettable. Interestingly its only in the last few days that friendships have been formed and the atmosphere lightened.

The journey.

The Expedition crew.

Cheers, Swan Hellenic.

Views: 90


  1. Hi Guys, just caught up with blogs 105 thro 120. Thanks for the insight, I was not seriously thinking of going on that trip,but definitely don’t need to now due to the quality of your coverage. ;-))
    Too much ” expenditure before dementia” anyway.
    My blood getting a bit to thin, made me feel cold just looking and reading.
    Your sense of achievement, excitement and satisfaction must be off the scale..
    Well done.

    • Hi Mel,
      Dementia, forgotten what it is…:) The kids are complaining….They’ll get their turn. No snow in Blighty!! Must feel strange…:)
      Great to hear from you Mel Cold, put another log on the fire…:)

      Happy New Year,

      We are camped on the sand at a popular beech. It’s sunny and warm, but nobody is swimming. Wonder why..:)

  2. Now that I’ve got used to tracking your movement on the cruise, I’ve decided that you need to fit a tracker on Poki so it’s easier to see where you are on a map.

    • Hi John, interesting you should say that. Jen has installed Polarsteps on her phone. We installed it to follow Sarah & Tim and while I was doing it, set up one for us….but will have to get back to you with details. My 13 year old granddaughter helped me do it, but she’s not here…:)

  3. Me too. Just caught up with the many blogs. Great reading, well done you two. Interesting that you had trouble sleeping. Maybe just an age thing, or are you too used to more ‘primitive’ conditions? Regardless, where to from here?

    • Laughing…Primitive!!! Bloody sight more comfortable. Going north west, currently in Puerto Natales. Just trying to load latest moves.
      Stop drinking so much wine and you foot will get better…:)

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