Day 21. Thursday, 19 September. At camping CoDa Vista overlooking Quito.


It feels very strange as I sit here typing. In the dark I cannot see the edge of the bank in front of  where we are parked and it feels as if I’m stuck on a perch overlooking the twinkling lights of the city. It spreads beneath us and all around the surrounding mountains. One thing Quito is, is hilly, in some cases very steep hilly. 

Our plan for today was to visit the historical centre of Quito. All started well. Andy our Canadian host at Camp CoDa Vista, who is most helpful, called a cab for us. Down the mountain side we went and after about 15 minutes our taxi delivered us outside a very imposing, stone building, the Basilica.

Right next door was a smart coffee shop, so we decided to start with a coffee for me and a hot chocolate for Dennis. While we were sitting relaxing, Dennis was fiddling with his/my camera. He declared it was broken. The lens wouldn’t retract. Panic mode. He wanted to find a camera shop to get it repaired. We googled a likely looking place, hailed a taxi and set off. I wasn’t convinced we would have any success.

To help the taxi driver out, we handed him the Google map directions on my phone. He put the phone on the cradle beside him. We arrived at the camera shop and I paid him and we jumped out. In the shop we weren’t progressing very well, due to the language barrier. I went to my handbag to retrieve my phone for help with Google Translate. It wasn’t there. Instant panic. I ran out of the door to see if the taxi driver was still in sight, convinced I had left it in the taxi.

Of course, he was long gone. I was in total despair. There was a security guard outside the neighbouring building, where we had alighted from the taxi. A passer by stopped and in learning of the problem, suggested the security cameras around the building could show the taxi’s registration number. The security guard called his supervisor and he said he would come in 20 minutes to look at the film.

While we were waiting an American couple came along and asked if we needed help. A lovely couple, we subsequently chatted with them for a while, mainly about American politics. Chris, the wife said she would call my number, which she proceeded to do. I felt my bag vibrating and heard a muffled ringing. Oh the embarrassment. I’m blaming it on the altitude and not my failing faculties, although I’m getting seriously worried about my declining mental state. 

I must have taken the phone back from the taxi driver when I paid him. I don’t remember doing it, and Dennis didn’t remember it either. I must have stuffed it in my bag in a different pocket to usual. The relief that it was not lost forever was overwhelming.

After all this drama, we got a taxi back to the Basilica and started our exploration of the historic centre all over again. We stopped for lunch in one of the bustling, cobbled streets. It was a bit bland, but we were hungry. 

Some shots of the historical part of Quito

We spent a couple of hours viewing the old colonial buildings. There was a heavy police and security presence everywhere. Andy had warned us to be careful of people stopping you and telling you a bird has just pooped on you, offering to wipe it off and then robbing you, or other similar scams.

We started wandering along a quieter street away from the more crowded touristy area. A lady stopped and pointed to her eyes, telling us to look out and take care. We turned around and went back to the busier area. 

Andy had suggested we get an a Uber back to the camp, as taxis sometimes don’t want to climb up the hill. We tried to call one but there was a 55 minute wait. We hailed a cab, but he didn’t want to take us. Another quickly pulled in and he was quite happy with the journey. 

Forward Planning

Once back at the camp, I have been doing some forward planning. For the next two days we will visit the cloud forest. It is meant to be a bird lovers paradise, with humming birds of many varieties and toucans. Then, we are spending the children’s inheritance and flying to the Galápagos Islands for a few days.

We can leave Poki here with Andy and he will drive us to the airport. There is already one camper parked here and the Swiss couple who are parked next to us, are off to the Galapagos tomorrow with Andy taking them to the airport at 05.00.

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