Day 2. Saturday 31st August. Taraza. Colombia.

Jen mentioned confusion between the sat-nav and google maps on her phone. More about that later.

Our campsite for the night was adequate. However, the night was far from acceptable. It was so hot and uncomfortable in Poki. Despite the fan and the little aircon unit working flat out during the night, were just not overcoming the oppressive heat. Between us we probably had about 4-5 hours. A goddam battery of roosters set up a cacophony of calls during the night. I could have wrung their bloody necks!! Anyway, there was daylight through the roof vents when we woke.

Yes, our unpacking and packing routine was a bit rusty but will sharpen up as we go. Our new Coleman cooker worked a treat. We had been having trouble getting a clean blue flame with the old one, so decided to replace it. Also, while you probably have no interest in knowing, our new portable toilet works a treat, without leaking. You do now..:)

It was a torturous dirt track from the farm to the main road back to the little town but neither of us could decide which way to go next. Again, sat-nav and google maps conflicting with more than an hours difference in travel time. It’s clear the need to refer to our map is critical for making the right call. God knows where google maps wanted to take us and the sat-nav want’s to take us down goat tracks!!

The rugby. Oh! dear!!..:(

Medillin is our destination and it’s 614k’s. Wifi on Jen’s phone was weak and patchy. A check on the score between the Bok’s and All Blacks had us up 7 points in short order. About an hour later another check and the AB’s were ahead 27-13 with 20min to go. Cautious optimism. Alas, it was misplaced. A sending off, no doubt altitude and crowd fervour carried the Bok’s to victory. 31 – 27. I hope I can get to see the game at some point.

Traffic is heavy, particularly with big trucks but the roads are good, generally. Towns resemble African ones. There are clearly two classes. The offspring of Spanish colonisers, and former slaves. One making no economic progress.

A Monitor lizard or Anteater? Probably the latter?

Traffic behaviour is interesting. Double yellow lines seem to have no influence. Perhaps they are just for guidelines? Small motorcycles are in plague proportions. Helmets optional, and the number of riders….?

Road tolls are proving expensive. More than accommodation. Diesel prices vary from 8900 to 14,000 peso’s. Interestingly that is for 1 gallon, not a litre. A US gallon or 3.78 litres. About $1NZ/Litre or 50p GB. Poki is driving brilliantly. The new suspension fitted in South Africa and performance upgrade means we glide along and pass trucks in a heartbeat..:)

So tonight, we decided to stop short of Medillin by 3pm and take a hotel room. It’s very basic but only marginally more expensive than camping at 60,000 pesos, and it has air-con.

Very basic.

I think we’ll use the restaurant too.

Views: 79


  1. Good to hear you are on the road. No paper maps? Have seen the 1st half and AB’s well in it. Will catch the 2nd half later. Pick the new/old DMax up on wednesday. Talk about fastidious Trev, it’s going to take ages to sort out just whats on it. Looks like a built in charger thru an Anderson plug on the nudge bar. You still eating porridge in that heat?

    • Oh!! New Isuzu, not a Land Rover! No taste…:) I look forward to photos. Are you going to hit the road again? What happened to the old owner??? A hint?..:) Our little brother is doing it tough. Obviously a genetic weakness….he needs a good talking to….laughing.

  2. JEN DEN , Hope you right that the animal sign was an Anteater not a
    KIWI EATER ???

  3. Mike and Sylvia

    Hi guy’s glad you’re eventually on your travels and safe,all okay here and no camera for you to lose den 🤣🤣 I have finished painting now and finally having a rest today thinking of a new project? Will send you a photo. Our son in law…the cyclist left Uk Fri for a 800 klm race in Spain,all dirt tracks and camping ⛺️ every night..You would love that one Jenny.well now I’ve got time I’ll be watching you,so be careful??🤣🤣Oh yes I’m cooking roast tonight for children 🧒..take care love mike and Sylvia xx👍💪💪⛺️

  4. Hey! Mike & Sylvie. WHAT!!! You got nothing to do!! Tell you what, start sanding the lodge next to you…:)

    The son-in-laws ride sounds amazing. Time to get back in the saddle Mike. After your renovations, it would be a doddle..:)

    No camera jokes, they are not funny…:) Behave yourself.

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