Last Night
Last night, after dinner, we sat on the beach watching the crashing waves. After about 30 minutes the lights flickered and then went out. All along the beach was in darkness. After 10 minutes or so, the lights returned to one of the neighbouring properties. Then soon after, to another. It took some time for our hotel to restore power.
This morning there was no wifi. It seems our hotel has some gremlins. Later in the day the power went off again, too. Only for about 5 minutes this time, though. As I have a Colombian SIMM card in my phone, I have wifi, but Dennis couldn’t use the MAC. The wifi was off all day. This made him a bit grumpy.
After breakfast we took up residence on the beach. Yesterday a nut seller had come along with bundles of jars of cashew nuts. Dennis asked him if he had any ‘nueces’, which we understood was the translation for walnuts. He seemed to understand and Dennis said he would buy some from him tomorrow.

However, it seems ‘nueces’ also just means nuts. Today the cashew man came back with his jars of cashews, looking all excited and anticipating a sale. Dennis had taken his bag of walnuts to show him what he wanted. Mr Cashew seller tasted one and said it was rubbish, we should buy his beautiful cashews. I like cashews, so we bought a jar. He was as happy as Larry and after taking photos of each other and lots of laughter, he went off a happy man, but Dennis had no more walnuts.

A lazy day on the beach followed. Reading and people watching. All sorts of traders come by, but they are not aggressive. The whole of Palomino seems to be full of dogs. They aren’t scruffy, half starved looking creatures, but well fed and amiable. They are everywhere and come and sit at your feet or under your chair. Even on the beach. They do bark at random people, if for some reason they don’t seem to like the look of them.

This evening it had clouded over and thunder was rattling around. We thought we had better go out to dinner early as it looked as if it might rain. As we left our hotel, there were two gorgeous macaws up in a large tree. We stopped to watch them for a while.

The rain didn’t materialise, fortunately. We came back to the beach and this time sat and watched the incredible lightening. Tomorrow we will need to be up reasonably early to get a bus back to Santa Marta and then a shuttle bus to Cartagena.
Views: 58
Your beach photo looks like you are nudists, no sign any clothing at all! Your reports about power cuts sounds much like here at times. This week the power has cut out three times, not for long, but irritating all the same. Hope you avoid Harry and Megan during their tour!!!! X
Yes, I wondered who would make that comment! We did have some attire on, below photo level.
As for those 2 attention seekers, I don’t think we’ll be mixing in the same circles. X