Travel plans confirmed. 1 July 2024. From Wineham West Sussex.

Wimbledon has commenced and semi-finalists are becoming known in the Euro 24 football competition. England have staggered through with a singular scarcity of goals.

This weekend there are some important games in the Rugby Union international calendar. New Zealand All Blacks playing England in Dunedin. South Africa are playing Ireland in S.A. As a Kiwi, these two games will be very interesting. We have a new coach and very much, a new squad. Australia too are going to be a challenge with a new coach. They play Wales this weekend.

Who could ignore the shenanigans on the political front. The dullest of intellectual contests in the US Presidential debates, particularly due to the absence of RFK Jr., that mortal enemy of vested interest.

How ironic in an election year, that Julian Assange should be allowed to plead guilty to a crime never committed. His release no credit to any of the countries with influence. Needless to say, I spend much of my time, now that Poki has been put into a box, scanning the internet for inspiration. Haha..:)

Yes, we drove Poki to Felixstowe last Thursday. Our shipping agents IVSS, presented us with a few options regarding shipping dates and the decision was to get it underway as early as possible. The drive to Felixstowe, the biggest container port in the UK, went smoothly. Departure date is 2nd July, but since then it has gone back to the 5th July. Arrival in Cartagena scheduled as 1st August. The return home, was by train.

Note the now green nearside mudguard, achieved with a spray can of matching paint. No sign of the damage in South Africa.

The weeks since arriving in the UK have been spent tidying up Poki and trying to find a very troublesome electrical fault. There was a spasmodic power supply to certain outlets in the rear cabin. The prognosis was the Redarc battery management system was failing. Leaving Poki last year in perfect working order, this was baffling, since I had disconnected both batteries and their health was fine.

Redarc would not return my requests for help so I emailed brother Kelvin for his assistance. He lives in Adelaide, as do Redarc. The response was immediate and welcome. It seems the UK agents we receiving my requests and doing nothing about it. After completing tests specified by Redarc it was found the unit had nothing to do with the problem. I won’t bore you with more details but suffice to say I had missed connecting a second wire on the auxiliary battery when reconnecting, on return to the UK. In case the Redarc was faulty, I had purchased an alternative charger which I’m delighted to say, won’t be needed.

Jen and I have been quite active since arriving, with more social activities. Last week we drove to Rye on the south east coast to meet with Wendy & Mike. We haven’t seen them since leaving for Africa and calling in to visit them in Normandy, France on the way. They were in the UK to visit family. We had a most enjoyable lunch and afterwards a walk around Rye, a fascinating medieval town. A town once completely surrounded by the sea.

Mike and Wendy, the Fench Connexion..:)

Felixstowe is 200k’s from us and it was wonderful driving Poki again, but rather depressing leaving her at the port, looking forlorn without the boxes and solar panels on the roof. They are packed inside, locked and helping to secure the contents from pillage, particularly on arriving in Columbia. Felixstowe is the largest container port in the UK. It’s also a popular seaside town and has a very pleasant coastal walkway.

Poki, trussed up for the journey.

Today Jen has booked our flights to South America. From Gatwick to Madrid and then on to Bogota. We have scheduled it to give us a few days in Bogota for sightseeing before flying to Cartagena on the day of arrival of the ship. As that date is likely to change, we have not yet booked the last leg flight.

This last weekend we drove the Mini down to the New Forest in Hampshire, to see Jen’s friend, Victoria. It was Victoria’s late husband, Colin who named Poki. Here’s a photo

A new baby Poki. A lovely gift from Sarah and family in Canada.

Our lovely hostess, Victoria. Note the Kiwi connection in the background. A Cabbage Tree…:) They proliferate in the UK.

  • Footnote. You may recall the challenge by my grandson Jaxon, to beat me in a running race. I can confirm, despite my best efforts, he beat me by a nose and paid me the compliment of not expecting it to be so close. He’s a slippery little sucker…:)

Daughters Deirdre Left, Sarah, right and grandchildren Georgia, Charley and Jaxon.

Views: 73


  1. Nice to see Poki back on the trail – hope this version of the South American sojourn is not as limited as the last one!
    Great also to see the photo of Sarah & Deirdre with the grandies.

    Go the Blacks tonight!

    • Hi Neal, hope your golf handicap is improving with all the practice…:)

      Yes, a bit squeaky, the score, but will be redeemed this Saturday!!!
      Ever the optimist..:)

  2. Great update. Lovely photo of the family

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