The nights are getting more humid and the day temperatures are rising too.
Our Dutch neighbours Rob & Lillian were up around the same time, 6.30am but it took us a little longer to shower and pack up. Again, we have enjoyed their company and it’s interesting that we continue to meet up with fellow Defender owners and enjoy their company.
Some of the roads today have been heavily pot holed and restricted speed to around 40k’s. Towns proliferate and much of the population either walking or cycling along them.

Some amazing carvings in wood.
Our destination was intended to be Monkey Bay, but being on the road so early it was too early to make camp at around 1pm and we need to get some k’s under our wheels to get to South Africa as soon as possible. So, Jen found a camp a little further on and here we are here at Kingfisher Inn.
Tomorrow we will try and get closer to the Mozambique border for an early crossing on Wednesday. Jen has received a response from the Mozambique government regarding her visa application, she does not need one. My application however, received no response, so I guess I’ll have to wait 5 working days to either receive, or have my application rejected. Regardless, we are going to try crossing on Wednesday, with or without an e-visa.
Having erected the Caranex and set up camp we are in the bar only a coupe of meters from the lake edge. The cloud, or is it smoke too, is making it difficult to distinguish the horizon. “Yes, it’s smoke form the charcoal burners”, Paul the proproietor says. There is not a breath of wind and Paul is throwing sticks into the lake, to give his German Shepherd dog some exercise retrieving them.

Fishermen are rowing their largish high prow’d boats out into the lake for the evening catch.

This is a smaller boat, most are rowed by two men.
Jen’s Birthday!
Tomorrow is a special day. It’s not my turn to write the blog tomorrow so I have to say Happy Birthday to Jen. She is complaining bitterly, wanting the clock to stay still. Alas, we would all like that, but a vain hope.
Some photo’s of the day.

Tiny fish being dried in the sun
We have to be careful after dark as there are Hippopotamus in the swamp behind us!!
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