With Erica’s list of coffee and cake suggestions, Jen’s eye’s lit up and this morning we made our first stop at Helmeringhausen Hotel and Guest farm, where we put Erica’s recommendations to the test.

The sign at the gate said ‘Best Apple Cake in the Namibia’. Well, I have to say it was delicious and the hot chocolate was pretty good too. Well done Erica..:)

There was not much more to the little hamlet of Helmeringhausen, so after consuming our purchases and updating the blog with very weak wifi, we were on our way again.
The roads have been pretty good, but a few sections just short of our destination for tonight, were atrocious. We agonised, well, thought deeply for a few minutes, about camping here at the Kronenhof Lodge, because it’s only 3pm, or carrying on to the canyon at Sesriem. However, that was another nearly 200k’s away and would have meant driving late. Something we avoid.
We have been recording sections of our journey with our GOPRO. I’ll be looking forward, at some later point, in trying to stitch them all together in some coherent form, for later viewing.
Camping for the night.
The sign to the Lodge at the roadside, made no mention that it was a 8k drive. Once through the gate and several more later, there was no indication of dwellings. Nothing in sight.
On a hill ahead was a series of dark green buildings. The main office looked more like the entrance to Perched high above impressive steps and with a metal frame Rhinosorous, in the lobby. We entered expecting to having to take shares in the property for the privilege of camping, but were pleasantly surprised to only pay N$460. About $40NZ.
The camping site is another kilometer away and comes complete with our own lock-up spacious ablution facilities and not another soul in sight. The only problem is, the wind is blowing fiercely. There should be no need to put the caranex up tonight as we can back in close to the facilities and spare the flapping of the canvas.

The surroundings are splendid, in their isolation and majesty. Just to the rear, there is a tree with another impressive Weaver Birds nest.

I should be putting my overalls on and nosing around Poki to see if there are any bits being shaken loose, and greasing the dive-shafts, but I’m not going to…:) We had an engine warning light come on, a little stutter, then clear. Checking the oil level and other external parts, all seemed well. Mmmm. Possibly something in the fuel?
A couple of these pictures were taken with a Cannon SLR camera I purchased from Adam months ago and had not used, due mainly to it’s complexity, but I’m starting to get to grips with it. The photo’s appear to be sharper, but it may be my imagination? It will take a lot more practice to expose it’s potential. The down side is, it does not have a zoom lens, yet.
By late afternoon the wind is getting up to close to gale force. The Lodge owner said that a very cold front is coming in and temperatures will drop to below zero!!! The warm duvet will be going on tonight.
Namibia information
Namibia is very sparsely populated. One of the least at 2.7m. Three languages are spoken, German, as it was not so very long ago known as German West Africa, Afrikaan’s and English. The Namibian dollar is a gnat’s whisker stronger than the S.A. Rand.
Footnote. Wifi not strong enough to load pics. Will add later.
Views: 66
Glad that Jen got a decent cup of coffee and cake. Hope the duvet is warm enough, are you on higher ground? As I didn’t expect frost in Southern Africa ?
Hi Bridget. Apart from the last couple of days, the weather has been beautiful. Mild to warm in the sunshine but very cold nights. The cold, wet spell is very rare for this part of the world in winter.
Oh yes, Jen loves the coffee and cakes..:)
Hoe you both doing great.