It was cold last night and the morning dawned overcast, though the sun did penetrate for a time.

Another campsite pic taken yesterday.
Our camp was about 500m from the railway track and several times, a monster ore train went past. On googling it we learn that it is one of the longest trains in the world nearly 4k’s with 375 100ton wagons transferring iron ore from mines in the Northern Cape province, to the port at Saldanha 861k’s away in Western Cape. The whole train, with just five electric engines, is crewed by two.

The day’s destination.
It’s very difficult to know how far you are going to be able to travel in a day. We were away by 10.30am and thought we might get as far as Bitterfontein, about 300k’s away. However the decision was to try and hug the coast, or as near as possible. Calling into Port Owen where we refuelled and chatted to a chap who was driving by in his 6cyl 1950’s Series 11A short wheelbase, Landy.
The next destination, Lamberts Bay. A small seaside settlement where on arrival we had lunch. Next heading, Strandfontein. On the coast about 60 k’s away and only connected by a dotted line on the map. The track started off fine but steadily deteriorated due to severe corrugations and at a number of points, deep muddy holes across the track. It must have rained heavily in the last few weeks as the low points were boggy, but most of the track had dried out. The bonus of the recent rain, was a beautifully colourful desert.

At one point I had to stop and deflate the tires to reduce the effect of the corrugations. The track reduced road speed and there was no chance of reaching Bitterfontein before nightfall, so Jen found a working farm camp site, just outside Vrendenal.
We have pretty much left the influence of the big city behind now. Tomorrow’s drive should be interesting. It is unknown if it’s seal or dirt track. The R363 to Poffadder 332 k’s away with little in the way of habitation between Bitterfomntein and Poffadder.
In yesterday’s blog we put a pic in, of the row of parked cars at Table Mountain car park and asked if anyone could see Pokie. Well, here is why I love this wee Casio camera..It has a massive zoom for such a small camera. This pic was taken from the same point at the top of the mountain. The only issue with a long zoom is trying to keep the belly thing still to avoid blur..:)

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