The rain didn’t abate till about 5am and we were able to open the roof vents a little.
10 hours sleep and feeling better for it. Trouble was we arose to find the inside of the Caranex awash. This is very much a dry weather tent. Both the roof vents and the roof rack preclude the proper fitting and waterproofing of the tent. Never mind, we were lovely and dry and cosy inside Poki. It was cold this morning, so on goes a vest.
South African camp sites.
South African camp sites are very well set up. Hot water on tap, toilet paper in the loos and plenty of showers complete with soap, also a bath. Not glitzy, just practical.
The Caranex was packed wet in the hope that at the next camp we will be able to dry it out .
A short stop at a Spar supermarket for a few supplies and we were on our way to the Addo Elephant Park which is above Port Elizabeth. We were impressed with the video’s taken by the BlueLandy couple on Youtube, when they visited the park recently.
The drive today has been most enjoyable. Less hills and more interesting countryside.
Passing a sign saying Coffee got Jen’s immediate attention, so 4k’s later we pulled into the roadside cafe and farm shop. Jeez they just about sell everything. Obviously bottling and selling all sorts of fruit, I sneaked a couple of pics despite the sign requesting none.

This is Afrikana’s country with lots of farming activity including dairy and beef. Some of the greenest grass. Rainfall aplenty compared with earlier inland areas.
We must have been travelling on a main arterial route for much of the afternoon as very heavy traffic, Particularly coal trucks were nose to tail. One would have though the disused railway lines would have been a better way to transport coal? I suspect this is what happens when governments stop providing infrastructure.
Addo Elephant Park

We arrived at the Elephant park as the rain stopped at 2.30pm and were grilled at the gate. Having to provide drivers licence, phone number, Passport etc. before being allowed to pass to reception 1 k away. Entry cost R1100 or about NZ$100 to camp and drive around South Africa’s 3rd largest National Park. 1800sq kilometres which was proclaimed in 1931 when there were only 11 elephants left. Today there are approx 600. Lion’s, Cape Buffalo, Zebra’s, Spotted Hyena’s, Black Rhino’s. and the flightless Dung Beetle are also present. Of course they need the latter to keep the place tidy. They also have a symbiotic relationship with the Elephants. How? Google it..:)

A fury little critter with short legs. What do you think it is?..:)
Jen will regale you with what else we get to see, tomorrow.
Views: 70
Hi, so glad to hear you are on the move again and getting to do interesting things 🙂 Just talking recently with my friend from Namibia, he says the Skeleton Coast is really awesome, something to look forward to.
Hi Cathy, yes, we are so looking forward to Namibia. Every part of it. Few people and massive vista’s.
Have you developed web feet? 🙂
South Africa’s railways have suffered from the same problems as the electricity industry. A quote from The Economist:
“Last year, even as coal prices were booming, South Africa’s coal exports slumped to their lowest level since 1993. This is because Transnet’s main coal line, which ought to carry 81m tonnes to ports, carried just 54m. This represented lost exports worth at least 80bn rand ($4.7bn). Iron-ore exports, which also go by train, slumped to their lowest since 2012, while volumes of general freight sank to levels last seen during the second world war, reckons Jan Havenga of Stellenbosch University. Add to these the extra costs from inefficiency of going by road, and the total hit comes to around 400bn rand, or 6% of gdp. “
Indeed John. Excellent input. Such massive potential here. The sliding value of the Rand reflects management. Only 12% of South African’s pay income tax. South African’s abroad must lament the direction.
Looks like a mongoose to me!! 🤔
Well done Wendy. A powerful little critter. 🙂