Day 99. Wednesday, 29th March, 2023. Still at Coco Beach, Lome.

We seem to be establishing a routine. As we go to bed early, we wake early too. Often around 5.30. We catch up with correspondence and read the news. Then a shower and porridge in Poki.

This morning we were busy chasing the shipping companies for quotes and more information. During the morning we received quotes from the other two companies we were waiting for. We are shocked at the variance in prices. The second a quote was three times more expensive than the first. The final one more than twice as expensive.

We are very dependent on Adam as all the correspondence is in French. All the companies mention the necessity to pay an export tax. Trying to ascertain how this is calculated has proved complicated.  The company with the best quote and who we favour, wanted us to commit to payment and signing a contract, without knowing how much tax we may be required to pay. 

We are not prepared to do this. After going backwards and forwards by email and getting nowhere, we phoned them. It is Customs who assess the value of the vehicles on which the export tax is based. What we don’t know is what percentage of the value is applied for the tax.

Good attitude

The telephone conversation resulted in the company advising they would set up a meeting with Customs for us. A bit later we got a call back from them saying Customs will come to our hotel to view the vehicles and make their assessment.

We decided we could proceed no further for the time being so had some lunch, then made for the beach. I had, what has become, my usual swim in the pool, while the men braved the surf. Today there is a different selection of vessels moored in front of us. We were studying them through binoculars, when we received a call to say Customs were on their way to see us.

Three gentlemen turned up. One from the shipping company, the Customs Officer and a driver. The Customs Officer took photographs on an iPad of both Land Rovers. Quite detailed. Inside the bonnet, and all parts of the exteriors. We wait with interest to see what valuations are arrived at.

We spent the rest of the afternoon on the beach. Adam was emailed for some more information. The vehicle mileages and our passport details. 

Self catering tonight

Dinner tonight was a pasta special cooked in Poki and eaten in our room. We await information tomorrow on Customs valuation of our vehicles and on the tax we will be required to pay. We also need to investigate how we extend our visas and Adam needs to extend his TIP (Temporary Import Permit).

Views: 70


  1. Hello,sorry for asking, but why exactly you choose to not enter in nigeria and go by Ship to Mauritania ? tks in adv

    • Hi Guel, it’s a personal choice, but we are shipping to Namibia, not Mauritania. Maybe you’ll decide it’s a better option too?



  2. yes, maybe we change opinion, but for now we want to cross nigeria….

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