Last night the wind came from nowhere, just as we were getting our bedding ready in Poki. Without having the Caranex erected the wind is no problem. It is impossible to stop the noise from something flapping. With the portable airconditioning on and wind rocking Poki, we were soon asleep and when we woke in the morning it was completely still again.
Damage from the corrugations.
Dennis discovers what could have been quite disastrous. When attempting to pump water from our new reserve tank under Poki’s rear, he cannot find the entrance to the tank. What on earth is going on? On looking underneath the answer is clearly revealed. A nut has worked it’s way loose and fallen off and the 35 litre tank full of water has become semi-detached. Damage caused by the horrendous corrugations of yesterday. Fortunately the tank is wedged in so it cannot fall out, or it could have been very nasty.
The morning had to be spent effecting repairs, so insufficient time for us to get to Nouakchott. We stop in Akjoujt for bread and start looking for a place to camp in the desert.
We pass lots of camels. They are dromedary camels. The one hump variety. Dennis loves to upset them. He thinks they are imperious creatures. They reluctantly move, but stare at Dennis with disdain as they lumber away from the road. They aren’t pretty, but ideally adapted to desert life.

The desert is often covered with small, round fruits. They look like apples or small melons. Neither animals or humans seem to have any interest in eating them. I Google them to see if I can identify what they are. It appears they are called colocynths, a type of gourd. The flesh is very bitter, obviously why they are left alone. They have been widely used in traditional medicines.

We find a suitable camping spot and prepare for the evening. I cook the men’s favourite pasta again. I think it’s getting a bit monotonous, but they seem happy with it. Getting provisions out in these remote places isn’t easy. Bread, fruit and veggies and pasta are about the limit.
Views: 76
They look like the Paddy Melons that grow in profusion here in Oz where nothing else will grow. Ignored buy animals and humans alike.
Yep, same ones.