For non family, please excuse the diversion from travel matters.
Today’s entry is totally dedicated to the memory of Chris.
As Jen mentioned yesterday we received the terrible news that our special brother-in-law, Chris had passed away.
Chris was everything to everyone and adored alike. Arriving in New Zealand from England with his parents and sister Geraldine, as a young boy in the early 1960’s. Becoming an aircraft engineer with the Royal New Zealand Airforce. Meeting and marrying our sister and being father to two lovely children, Kirsty & Dara. Building and successfully racing his own motorcycling sidecar along with brother Ash as his passenger/swinger for many years. Latterly becoming a machinery alignment specialist traveling the world to fix gas turbine engines and other equipment. Mr Fix anything.

We might be worlds away Liz, Kirsty, Dara, Geraldine and families but we share your grief and loss.
RIP Chis, you will never be forgotten while we live.

Views: 68
Wonderful Dennis
Thank you Dennis and Jen for your comments about my wonderful husband.. i am struggling to believe that it could have happened so suddenly. We were sure that all was well with his heart but obviously not. I can’t even describe how bereft i am for the loss of the man i adored….
Hi Liz, yes, life is wonderful but can be so cruel too. Chin up girl, the days will slowly get brighter.