Friday, 6th January
There was no rush to get up as we were waiting for Adam. We expected him to arrive anytime from midday onwards. I got up but Dennis remained in bed, catching up with the blog. It’s the most comfy place to do it. Dennis had just got up and started getting breakfast when I heard a WhatsApp message come in.
It was Adam asking if we were awake. I messaged him back and asked how he was and where he was. As soon as I put the phone down, I heard a Landrover engine. What did I see but Zikit coming up the hill towards us. (Zikit is the name of Adam’s Landrover. It means chameleon in Hebrew.)
We were incredulous. Adam had made the journey from Belleme, France in amazing time. 25 hours driving. Little sleep, driving on very quiet roads during the night. Although he did say at one stage it was very foggy and so he stopped in Salamanca for a few hours.
After a joyous reunion we sat down for breakfast and caught up with recent events. Adam had brought us so many edible goodies. He’s really naughty and far too generous. Dennis helped Adam pitch his tent. Later Adam sorted out Zikit, who is full to the brim, while we did some more minor jobs in Poki.

At around 4.30 we descended from our pitch, which is half way up the side of a mountain, to the beach and to the beach bar/restaurant. Partly to use the wifi, as it is only available here or at reception. Also to have a drink and watch the sunset. I ordered a gin and tonic. It came in a glass the size of a small bucket. When we came to walk back up the hill I was somewhat tipsy.
After cooking dinner we retired and read for a while, while Adam did some more organising before having a relatively early night.
Saturday, 7th January
Today we were up at about 8.30 and as it is such a hike up and down the mountain to the facilities, I managed to carry the rubbish bag, the washing and my toilet bag and towel down in one go. So, having accomplished all these tasks we were ready to detach the Caranex from the back of Poki and drive into Tarifa to do some shopping. It’s the first time we have left this new Caranex as a stand alone tent and we were pleased it works very well.
Dennis wanted to find a Ferretaria, a hardware store, in order to buy a fitting to attach the new tap we have to our water supply pipe. We drove around Tarifa but couldn’t locate one. Stopping to ask we were told today was a holiday and nothing would be open. I then remembered reading that 7th January, which is Epiphany, is a public holiday in most Spanish regions. We also wanted to go to the supermarket. Fortunately this was open.

Having done an enormous shop on our return to the campsite, I had to try and find space to pack everything. We seem to have food of some description stuffed into every possible nook and cranny in Poki.
While the men were working to fix a leak in Zikit’s water tank and clean the vehicles, I caught up with writing my diary and the blog.
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Just caught up with your travels after a couple of days. Great to hear you are all together for your adventure. Good luck to you all. Hot here, 37c yesterday and stoking the big kettle. Only half a day unfortunately as the skipper misjudged the current and we hit the bridge, jamming a paddle box against the paddle, as well as lots of other damage. Be at least a month before sailing again, maybe not before we leave for Tasmania in March. More later, stay safe kids.
Put a patch on it and just use one paddle…:) Only have to use half the wood.:)
Hi Dennis & Jen a happy new year to you both and many more of them, i have just caught up with your blog you certanley arnt letting the grass grow under your feet, it will be good to follow your adventures.Take care regards John
H i guys its me init!! Had no internet since we arrived in apt. Glad you are doing ok and met up with your friend! A quick update on our EXPEDITION…i dont think so!! Oh what a mess our poor house is in. Inside is not too bad ,have a very good friend who lives here who had tydied it up for Sylvs sake. But today are meeting up with electric and plumbing guys and clearing guy as well to disconnect all there heating lamps and new water runs for there plant growing. as they have cut all the house origianols off? Nightmare ,but Hey Ho ! upwards and onwards as one would say!! Also got mot today as well…busy boy today!! Any way glad your safe and will keep in touch love Mike y Sylvxxx
Hi Mike & Sylvie, glad to hear you made it back to Spain. I know a geeza that wants to rent a place in Spain…:)
Hope you have managed to remove all the “plants”! Is your WhatsApp working?
Us 🙂