While there is not too much to write about, brother Ash suggested we put some pics in of our surroundings.
Jen here, briefly. I will just write little bit. We seem to be entertaining ourselves reasonably well, so far. Amongst the group we have organised Spanish conversation classes. I have been the sole representative from our family. I’m not a linguist, so I struggle. I understand, but the ability to string sentences together is proving hard. I am hoping if I persevere it will get easier.
Last night was “Movie Night”. We had a sheet hung up and a film projected on to it. Victor even made us popcorn. We watched the James Bond film, Casino Royale. Additional entertainment was provided by a local volcano. I don’t know its name, but every so often it gives a deep rumble and throws out a shower of molten ash and steam.
This morning in addition to the volcano we had a small earthquake. Times aren’t dull! However, after the now well established routine of yoga, breakfast and a shower, Jaxon and I ventured down to the lake. Several of the group were lazing around and I was persuaded to take a small turn on the paddle board. I didn’t go very far or get off my knees, but it was a start and I felt quite proud of myself.

Views: 51
Hi Dennis and Jen, the campsite looks amazing. I think you made the right decision by staying put. Good call and great to hear you’re all safe and sound. That top photo does look a little like a lake scene from NZ. Here in Portland, it’s very quiet. Everyone has orders to stay indoors (apart from essential grocery shopping and heading out for walks). So, just taking it easy with Jaime and River. Take care!
Hi! Logan Guatemala has just extended the border closure for 30 days. We are stuck, like it or not but couldn’t think of a better place to be stuck. Make sure you keep safe over there. This is very serious.
Us 🙂
Great to get an idea of where you are staying, looks a bit like Okareka. Terrible that you are having to slum it, so cramped after Poki.
Keep up with the paddle boarding Jen, you will be a pro by the time you leave.
Hi Guys Carl and Renee here. We made it back to NZ yesterday the 27th. We are in lock down in a nice hotel in Central Auckland, payed for by the Government. We managed to get our paper work for the van sorted and got issued a 10 year TIP. We also went to a different boarder and got a 6 month visitor visa. We stored the van in Oaxaca in undercovered storage for 500 peso a month. Hope all is well at the lake and spirits are high all round.