The day dawned fine, after a soggy night. The tent was soaking, so we decided we would stay put and, hopefully, get dried out.
Tim, Sarah, Charley and Jaxon have decided to go on. Their vehicle insurance runs out on Monday and they want to cross into Guatemala before it expires. Today they are going to Spanish Lookout and on Sunday they will head into Guatemala.
Now they have left us we no longer have a way of freezing our freezer packs. Hopefully, it won’t be long before the fridge we have ordered arrives, as our milk and butter won’t keep in these temperatures. The fridge is being shipped to Spanish Lookout. Our vehicle insurance also expires on Monday, so we will have to extend it as it is compulsory.
It was quite emotional saying goodbye to the family. We plan to meet up again in Columbia, but not for 6 weeks or so. We have to arrange shipping from Guatemala to Cartagena and they have to cross the Darian Gap. We are not having much success at the moment with our arrangements, as shipping companies are failing to answer emails.
The morning remained dry, so I washed all of the clothes we got wet and muddy yesterday. After which we were pretty lazy.
It is a very buggy place. Mosquitoes and sand flies. I have been almost eaten alive. I am very pleased it is a bit cooler at night. When it is hot the bites itch unbearably.

We wandered down to the small river that ran beside the campsite.

Everywhere there were bare pathways through the grass where ants walk. They are leaf cutter ants. In one direction they are carrying pieces of chewed off leaves. In the other they are going to collect a piece of leaf.
Spending the afternoon reading, we were not amused when the rain started again. We had just managed to dry the tent out. It set in for the night and we were soon surrounded by muddy streams again.
We hunkered down in Poki and cooked pasta for dinner. An early night followed with a wish for drier weather tomorrow.
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