Another early start but we were ahead of the game by waking at 5.30am.
It’s a gorgeous morning and we are on the road by 8.30am. It’s a good time to drive when the air is cool, though it’s also a good time to be relaxing in bed…:)
Again today the road is very winding and hilly but with beautiful coastal views.
Our destination is Zihuatanejo (phonetically-Zuwotanao). It’s a coastal touristy town/city where Tim’s Dad Mike and wife Karen, are holidaying.
Gee it’s hot by the time we get there. 34deg C and very humid. Negotiating the narrow winding crowded streets is a challenge but the hotel is very welcoming. The kids are into the pool in no time and we lounge on the terrace with a sea breeze cooling things considerably.
Fortunately the hotel concierge speaks good English and he phones a couple of refrigeration people to take a look at the fridge. The first chap is with us in minutes but he shakes his head when I run through the symptoms and very quickly decides he’s too busy. A young guy is next on the scene and he takes the fridge away to the workshop to inspect it. After promising to report back in a couple of hours it’s about four when the concierge gives him a call to see what’s happening. “It’s got a blown fuse” he says! He’s not our guy, but with no other options he promises to bring it back in the morning.
By 5.45pm we all walk along the beach front to find an eating place. Oh! there are many swanky looking places right on the beach front but we want the taste of ‘local’. Not European food for the tourists.
The town is heaving and has a very pleasant feel about it.
Finding an open area with many foods available from kiosks, we take a seat and discuss our preferences.
Wanting to replicate our experiences two nights before we are disappointed with what is served up. Tasty but lacking in volume. Jen and I end up ordering burgers which fill the spot. Tim too makes the same call.
On the way back to the hotel an Ice-cream parlour stop, rounds the meal off.
The hotel very kindly allow us to sleep in the staff carpark which is enclosed and private. It’s sweltery but leaving the back door open gives us a through breeze. There are toilets and bathrooms right beside us. Tim & Sarah are unable to get their big camper inside the car park so sleep in the street. In the camper of course. The kids enjoy a night in the hotel room with Mike & Karen and are spoiled rotten..:)

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Hope you get your fridge back! Just a hint while waiting for your fridge repair. I used to freeze (don’t know how you will manage that) 1.5l water bottles and put in bottom of chilly bin/esky, they would stay frozen longer and you have emergency water if needed. You could use your fridge. Good luck.
Hi! Bro, thanks for that. Yes, good idea..:). We bought a small Coleman cool box to assist. Sarah is freezing bags for us but 1.5L would be better, if they will fit?