Day 161 Tuesday 7th.
It’s a nice flat grassy campsite but so close to the water that the surf crashing against the wall below us was deafening.
We were packed up and on our way by 8.30am. Sarah has found a beach site on the overland app that has good reviews. It’s at Chacarla, closer to Puerto Vallarta and off the main road to Tepic and back out on the coast.
It wasn’t till around 4pm that we pulled into the camp. The price per night per vehicle is 250pesos about NZ$24 and for no res facilities, it’s expensive. However. It’s as close as you could get to paradise. There is time for a quick swim. The water is beautiful and warm and the kids were in the water as soon as we stopped. There’s not time to relax as camp has to be set up before dark. I decide not to put the Caranex up as I’ll be leaving early to drive the 93k’s to the airport at Puerto Vallarta.
After dinner it was straight into the “sack”. Up at 5am to pick Jen up at 9am. Fortunately the sat-nav tells me I loose an hour on the way. Missing that would mean being an hour late. I hate being late….:)
At 7pm a local brass band starts up about 80m away!!! They are hopeless musicians, each trying to outdo the other for loudness.
Day 162 Wednesday 8th
By 1am they packed up but do you think I could get to sleep!!
At 3am I decided to try and send Jen a message to tell her where we are staying, just incase I didn’t make it, for whatever reason. There was a good signal at the camp so I turned my old Nokia on to use as a modem, using bluetooth. on the Mac. The damn thing ran out of charge so I couldn’t send a message. More serious was that my phone is my alarm clock and I could easily wake up at 9am!! I must have drifted off and woke with a start….it was 5am..Whew.
Driving straight into the airport pick up area and had just finished folding the bedding, when Jen came out through the entrance!!! Joy and relief all round. Her flight was 15min early but we were both elated that her travel was trouble free and she hadn’t missed the connection at Mexico City.
Her sister Bridget and friend Carolyn are both undergoing cancer treatments and she is worried about them.
Back to the campsite and into the water for a swim and revival. Jaxon was so excited. “The whole family’s in the water”, he exclaimed! Jen promptly got dumped by a wave which didn’t excite her. However she caught two good waves using the kid’s boogie boards and she was happy again.
The kids spent the whole day swimming. This is great for them as they don’t get to visit the warm ocean too often, living in the mountains, in Whistler.

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Was nice to see the photos of Sarah and the grandees in an earlier blog, DB.
Say gudday to Sarah from the Perth-based Old Plimmertonians (Magoo, 218 and me).
Glad that Jen’s back to keep you in line…
Hey Ferris, not enough practice of that forward defensive shot in the mirror, to get the call up for the Black Caps huh!
Say Hi! to the “Western Plimmerton Cricketers”. Sarah say’s a big Hi! back too. We have been fixing things and swimming today. Life not too shabby..:). Stay hydrated..:)
Welcome back Jen1. I can tell by my older, but not necessary wiser, brothers writing that he was both delighted and relieved to have you back. I hope your trip home was not too stressful. It will be interesting to see how long the early morning starts last! Enjoy the journey you two.
Hi Bro, there are no end to the surprises huh!…:) Yes, all good here except we have an issues with the fridge. Hope to get it sorted Monday at the next big town. Have you done a back burn on your property??? Mind you, that could end up with the house in ashes…:). Hi! to Jen2