Day 130. Friday 6th September. Portland Oregon.

What a great day, and night last night. Jen’s 70th birthday celebration meal with Logan & Jamie and news during it, of a successful bid for their first house. It was a warm, pleasant evening.

I should mention that flowers for Jen I ordered online yesterday, never arrived and still hadn’t by the time we left the city motel this morning!

Our objective today was to have the tires fitted. This we did at 10am as scheduled. On completion, the fitter, a cheery chap from Guatemala, started fiddling with instruments and managed to activate the alarm system. We have had the vehicle for 7 years, had no idea the alarm was operational and no way of turning it off. After doing some investigation, one of the staff attempted to program a code into the system. Without success. They were keen to have the blaring sound out of their workshop so suggested we take it to the Jaguar/LandRover dealers up the road. It’s now our problem..:)

I have to say that while it was not Jaguar/Land Rovers problem, it’s an aftermarket system, they were very professional in the way they dealt with the issue. The alarm had settled down a bit by then and would only operate spasmodically, but we can’t have that. Shaking his head, the service manager suggested we take it to an alarm specialist further up the road in Portland city. 

The manager of Mobile West bore a close similarity with the rogue we dealt with in Quebec city. While he exuded confidence in being able to resolve the issue by removing the old system, we were apprehensive. Taking some time out in a nearby cafe, returned to find the Landy in the car park. Job done. Phew. $125 and we were on our way. Our apprehension was misplaced. they were efficient and the charge, reasonable. 

I mentioned some time ago that we had met my cousin Dales’ daughter Kelly, in Upper Hutt earlier in the year. She was visiting her Mum from the US when we arrived. I do not recall meeting Kelly before despite growing up in the Wellington suburbs, not far away. Anyway. Kelly invited us to come and stay and this we did. Meeting hubby Stacy, for the first time. 

The evening finished after a lovely dinner with a lively chat about family and many other topics, not least, the debacle in the UK. 

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