Our campsite was very spread out so we were miles away from the facilities. It was damp and grey when we woke, so another day of packing up a wet tent. We got everything stowed away and headed over the hill to the office, where the wifi worked and to the showers. The office area was very busy. Many young people were meeting there to go on some type of tour. Hiking, kayaking or something of that nature.
Several people came over and chatted as they were interested in hearing about our travels. When we were in Quebec City, we had stopped to ask a couple for directions. They were from Thunder Bay, where we had been a couple of weeks ago. While talking, another couple came up and said they had seen us in Surrey, which is just outside Vancouver, a couple of months ago. This must have been when we were visiting our friends Bill and Joan, who live in White Rock. They said they could not forget our vehicle, as they had never seen another one like it! How amazing was that!
Dennis and I were discussing our short stay in Quebec City and the fact that we had not seen enough. We said we must go back one day. Maybe as a stop-over en route to Vancouver to see family. Dennis wants to stay at Chateau Frontenac. I suggested we should do this for his 80th birthday! His response was that we would still be driving around the Land Rover then. Better wait until he is 100 🙂
By 10am the weather had completely changed and it was a beautiful day. We are following Highway 132, the Route des Navigateurs. Once again beautiful villages with quaint and colourful houses and full of character. Every town or village has a massive monstrosity of a church, many with silver roofs and spires and all elaborately decorated. Dominating the town, and the people too, although probably not so much these days, as in the past.
Riviere-sur-Loup was a larger town than we expected. We stopped to get a few provisions, but didn’t go in to the centre. The scenery started to change with the road running right next to the river. The St Lawrence is now so wide it is virtually impossible to see the opposite bank. There are a number of ferry services across to the northern side at various places we pass through. Now there are fewer villages, it is more ribbon development along the side of the road and shore. Many small houses, holiday cottages and chalets. It seems less affluent. Some with badly peeling paint. Not surprising, as I can imagine this could be a very hostile environment with gales and strong winds blowing in from the river. It was lovely this afternoon but as we got further east a thick mist was forming over the river. I am sure it could be very bleak at times.
We stopped for lunch just before Rimouski in the grounds of the Tourist Information Centre. As we were eating lunch a loud scrapping, grinding sound came from the road behind us. The chassis of a caravan had completely collapsed and it was being dragged along the road. Dennis went to see if he could help, but there was nothing he could do and the couple had already called for the assistance of the Canadian AAA.

Our next stop was at Ste Flavie where odd creatures appeared to be emerging from the sea. They were concrete carvings, the creation of a local artist. Looking like figures with strange, ghostly faces, they have become quite an attraction.
Soon the scenery changed again. All day we have been beside the river. Now rocky cliffs are forming and the road is running above the water level. The mist is quite thick at times, but comes and goes.
We decide it is time to camp and at Cap Chat we pull in to a small motel and camp site called Pirate Motel and Camping. Dennis has done some maintenance, I have sent a few emails, we have had dinner and now I am writing the blog. It is only 8.30 but is getting dark. I have just noticed it is the mist that has closed in an surrounded us. Oh dear, a thunder storm is forecast for tonight.
Views: 17
Well, what a final bro. What could have been, but as that great Australian woman tennis player Ash Barty said, the sun will still rise tomorrow. Been out of mob coverage for a bit in central Queensland but will catch up with you today. Keep up the good work you two.
Hey Bro, where are you? Ah! yes, that great Aussie tennis player…what was his name again? Little diddle brother messaged us from a pub in Blighty. That boy should be turning pedals not lounging in pubs watching telly…:)