Hedley to Rogers Pass. BC

Wed 15th May. Day 16

WOW!! What a sleep. Nine hours straight. As Jen mentioned we found a Provincial Park Camping place last night that was almost deserted. Brilliant. 

On the road by 9.30am. Pretty good for us. 

We are now parked close to the entrance of an avalanche shelter about 60m from the Trans Canada Highway 1, the main road across the country. It’s not going to be a quiet night. Trucks city. The camp sites through this valley are closed as there is still snow on the ground. At 5.30pm we decided this little loop road will have to suffice as a camp site. Importantly, there is just enough grass out from the seal to pitch the Caranex.

Interestingly there is a big circular pad of concrete in front of us, on the road. It looks like a turntable. It is, or was, the site where a cannon was positioned to fire shells up into the accumulating snow to bring it down during quiet times. Avoiding massive road closures to clear snow. The valley would be about 150m across at this point with a river roaring away below us, which hopefully will mask the road noise. With snow on the peaks and glaciers in every valley, it’s beautiful. There are 400+ glaciers here and Lonely Planet tells us that they get up to 23m snow in the winter. Elevation 1330m.

When stopping at the entrance to a closed camp site a wee way back, we pulled up beside a pretty tricked out’ looking Jeep. An older one from the late 90’s with a trusty powerful 4litre straight six petrol engine. Lindsay, same as yours. The friendly young guy behind the wheel (Chris), told us he was heading for Alaska. Well, fancy that! It would be nice to have a travelling companion.

He has been working on his Jeep for several years for this very trip and he is also heading down to South America, but will be taking several years. We are pushing it as we want to get back on the biking in France again and time is running out, if you know what I mean.:). Anyway, we hope we’ll bump into Chris again along the way. He’s staying in the nearby town of Golden, for the night, about 80k’s north of here. 

Earlier in the day..

The drive through the Okanagan (the fertile fruit bowl for B.C.) was pleasant, as it’s been a beautiful day. Lots of orchards, vineyards and sparkling lakes. Trouble is, every town has endless sets of traffic lights and each one turns red just as you get to them. We’re looking forward to exiting the built up southern towns and cities, for the quieter northern roads. 

North Americans seem to have little concept of travelling or holidaying in such a small vehicle as ours. They prefer massive campers 12 or more meters long or towing what is known as a 5th Wheel, a triple axle trailer caravan articulated and towed by a huge 4×4 Dodge Ram or Ford F350 pick up. They have every luxury. I think Jen is envious..:)

I’m happy to report that all things mechanical are working satisfactorily for now. The clutch master cylinder is still weeping but with a spare on board, we’ll factor the repair when need be. 

Calgary tomorrow night to stay with Jan & Bruce. Jan said we are having a juicy Alberta beef for dinner. I’m salivating at the thought. 

It’s time to pack it in for the night. The light is fading, it’s 8.45pm, bed is beckoning, so enough dribble for now. Jen say’s. 🙂

Views: 29


  1. Great stuff, D & J. So envious. Must feel great to be travelling again. How is the starting going.
    I notice that you are planning some peddling in France, when do you think you will do that? If it is when I am in the UK I might join you and Jen could tow me.
    So great to be able to follow you, you are doing such a great job of your blob!

    • Hi! Ash, No, the comment about cycling was looking forward to doing it once we have been around the block. It looks like we will have to continue through South America this year and into next. It will depend on which country will allow us to park up and leave without the vehicle for a wee while. Jen says anyway, you can tow her..:)

  2. Michelle Wilson

    Interesting reading Guys, Everyday is a adventure,Thank you for your sharing, You two are so amazing!!!!!!!!

  3. My SWB Landrover with a simple straight six petrol is the only vehicle that I ever missed after selling it
    Driving anywhere but the motorways is a great idea

    Australia dumped Shorten and Abbott lost his seat

    • Hi Lindsay, interesting politics in Australia. A bit like the Poms…:)

      Series Land Rovers…they were the days…:)

  4. Missed the Jeep reference when I made the earlier comment
    The Jeep has a flywheel sensor and if that fails as mine has done twice, you cannot start it because there is no signal to the computer so the fuel and electrics don’t kick in. Not a good thing in the middle of nowhere.

  5. Hi guys… Pleased to hear you are on the road again and we are looking forward to reading about your adventures. We are pretty settled in here now and enjoying the area. Found out today that the previous owner was a Dennis Brown, you haven’t been hiding anything from us have you… 🙂 xxxx

    • Hi Lizzy & Chris,

      maybe he’s an imposter..:) Glad you enjoying the location. How’s Geraldine?

      Us 🙂

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